Dudley Advocacy and Consulting is available to review your child’s IEP, 504, and FIE information. Following a thorough review, we will meet with you to (as needed):
- Analyze the need for additional testing
- Make SMART goal recommendations for revisions
- Advise on schedule of services
- Recommend additional accommodations
- Explain modifications and what they mean for your child
- Evaluate related services and make suggestions
- Review the Behavior Intervention Plan and make recommendations as needed
- Review your child's transition plan and what future programs they may need
- Provide ongoing analysis of goals to evaluate progress towards goals
- When a chid's educational rights are violated, filing for Due Process may be recommended. We do not offer legal advice or engage in the practice of law. Should those needs arise, we work closely with Special Education Attorneys and will make referrals should you want to move forward with a complaint.